Cambridge Editorial Policies


Cambridge Editorial Policies



Since 2001

Scholarly Journals & Academic Conferences

The Library of Congress, Washington, DC   *   ISSN: 1540–7780  *  ISSN 1553 - 5827


h-index: 128  *  i10-index: 1,047 *  Citations: 56,024

Cambridge Research

Science Institute




LATEST NEWS: One of our board members, Dr. Aysegul Timur, has just became the president of Florida Gulf Coast University.  The Florida Board of Governors has confirmed Aysegul Timur as Florida Gulf Coast University’s fifth president.  Professor Timur has served as vice president and vice provost for strategy and program innovation at the university.

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Editorial Policies

The Journals, BRJ and AABJ, serve the education community by providing high-quality academic / business research journals and conferences in the areas of finance, economics, information systems, accounting, marketing, general management, information technology, health care management and international management. Other tracks can be seen at The journals aim to publish high-quality papers that represent the true breadth of the methodologies and applications that define the research field.  The h-index for the journal is 128. The i10-index for the journal is 1,047. The citation for the journal is 56,024. The journals serve the entire research community including practitioners, researchers, educators, and students. The papers that appear in the journals must satisfy the essential requirements: research-focused, scientific, and broad. All the journals are refereed academic journals which publish the scientific research findings in their field with the ISSN numbers issued by the Library of Congress, Washington, DC. A double blind peer-review process is used to ensure research excellence in both the journals and the conferences. The review process may take up to one to three months. Two refereed academic journals are published in hard copy format and distributed in more than fifty-five countries. The average acceptance rate is twelve percent. The hard copies and the digital copies of the journals are archived by the Cambridge Research Institute. In addition, seven conferences are held annually in four different countries. Founded in Florida in 2001, the journals remains committed to the research community for business education. Cambridge Research Institute, private organization, is supported by its members, private sources, publishing houses, and registration fees. We are a member of Association of American Publishers (AAP), Professional/Scholarly Publishing, New York and Chamber of Commerce of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. The journals will meet the quality and integrity requirements of applicable accreditation agencies (AACSB, regional) and journal evaluation organizations to insure our publications provide our authors publication venues that are recognized by their institutions for academic advancement and academically qualified statue. All the journals are indexed by the Cambridge Social Science Citation Index, CSSCI, the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), and the National Library of Australia. The OCLC has 16,964 member libraries in 122 countries around the world. The OCLC number for the journals: 805078765 for AABJ and 920449522 for BRJ. The NLA numbers for the journals; NLA: 42709473 * NLA: 55269788 * NLA: 49026139.

No manuscript will be accepted without the required format. All manuscripts should be professionally proofread / edited before the submission. After the manuscript is professionally edited, the revised paper should be submitted with the certificate. You can use for professional proofreading/editing or other professional editing service etc... Preferably, the manuscripts should be checked through plagiarism detection software (for example, iThenticate/Turnitin/Academic Paradigms, LLC-Check for Plagiarism/Grammarly Plagiarism Checker) and send the certificate with the complete report. Articles, papers or cases submitted for publication should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles/papers/cases for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright, infringement of proprietary right, invasion of privacy, or libel and will indemnify, defend, and hold the journals, BRJ, AABJ, or any conferences we hold or sponsor(s) harmless from any damages, expenses, and costs against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers/articles/cases and contributions become the legal copyright of the journals and any conferences we hold. There will be no refunds after payments.. The journals and the conferences reserves the right to alter any policy without prior notice.

The journals and all conferences reserve the rights to amend, modify, add to, or delete its rules, policies, and procedures affecting its institutional relationship with authors (contributors) as deemed necessary by the administration. Any such amendment, modification, addition, or deletion shall not be considered a violation of the relationship between the journals, Conferences and authors (contributors). The submission gives The Business Review Journal (BRJ), The American Academy of Business (AABJ) and conferences exclusive rights to publish, copyright, and control reproduction of the manuscript.

The scholarly Journals contain the views, thoughts, assertions and opinions ("information") of its contributing authors. The Information provided by these authors does not necessarily represent the journals. The journals make no representations about the accuracy of the Information contained herein; and the inclusion of the Information herein shall not be construed as an endorsement, either explicitly or implicitly, of the Information by the journals. The Journals disclaims any and all responsibility or liability resulting from the Information contained in the Journals.

Complaints about the journals and conferences can be reported to editors at

Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of journals (BRJ and AABJ).  You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any information (text; pictures; tables. etc..) from this web site or any other linked web pages is strictly prohibited.

Confidentiality: A submitted manuscript is a confidential material. The journals and conferences will not disclose submitted manuscript to anyone except individuals who partake in the processing and preparation of the manuscript for publication (if accepted). These individuals include editorial staff, corresponding authors, potential reviewers, actual reviewers, and editors. However, in suspected cases of misconduct, a manuscript may be revealed to members of the Journals’ ethics committee and institutions/organizations that may require it for the resolution of the misconduct.

Peer Review Process:  The review process is an important aspect of the publication process of an article. It helps an editor in making decision on an article and also enables the author to improve the manuscript. The journals (BRJ and AABJ) operate a blind peer review system around the globe.  Author(s) identity is removed from the manuscript and shielded from the reviewers during the review process. The reviewer is left with only manuscript without any information that might enable him/her uncovers the identity of the author(s). Information removed includes the author(s) name, address/affiliation, country, phone/fax and email. Any information in the Acknowledgement and Declaration of Conflict of Interest that may lead to the uncovering of the identity of the author is also removed from the manuscript prior to sending it to reviewers.

All research articles submitted to the journals will undergo full peer review process.  The editorial board will be responsible for the final decision about the submitted papers; have the right to accept\reject any paper.  The submitted papers will be sent to two reviewers, if the results were negative by one reviewer and positive by the other one; then the editor may send the paper for third reviewer or he takes immediately the final decision by accepting\rejecting the paper.  The selected reviewers will be asked to present the results as quickly as possible; if they are unable to complete the review within the agreed period then the submitted papers will be resent new reviewers using the same procedure. In some cases, the submitted papers may also be sent to selected editorial member(s) for final review decision.

Archiving Policy: All the journals are published in hard copy format. The authors get the hard copy of the journals. Hard copies of the journals are also distributed in the more than 54 countries. The hard copies of the journal and electronic copies of the journals are also archived by the Cambridge Research Institute and Journalbrc publication. and

Duties of Editors: (Publication decisions): The editor of the journal is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.

Conflict of Interest: “Conflict of interest (COI) exists when there is a divergence between an individual’s private interests (competing interests) and his or her responsibilities to scientific and publishing activities such that a reasonable observer might wonder if the individual’s behavior or judgment was motivated by considerations of his or her competing interests”  Authors should disclose all financial/relevant interest that may have influenced the development of the manuscript.  Reviewers should disclose any conflict of interest and if necessary, decline the review of any manuscript they perceive to have a conflict of interest. Editors should also decline from considering any manuscript that may have conflict of interest. Such manuscripts will be re-assigned to other editors.

Ethics committee: The journals’ ethics committee is an independent committee that is responsible for supporting the various editors in resolving issues that infringes on this editorial policy. The ethics committee shall be made up of five editors selected from different journals published by the Cambridge Research Institute Journals. The ethics committee shall review cases of misconduct and make recommendations including appropriate sanctions.

Liability and Insurance: The journals, AABC, BRJ, and the Organizing Committee of the conferences we hold are not liable for personal injuries, or for loss or damage to property belonging to the conference delegates (or their accompanying persons), arising from the activities of the conferences/journals either during or as a result of the conference. Neither can the journals nor the Organizing Committee of the journals be held liable. Please check the validity of your own insurance.

 Corrections and Retraction Policy

Article Withdrawal: Articles can be either withdrawn by the authors or the publishers before the payment / publication process as a hard copy. If the authors request withdrawal of an article, the withdrawal request should be sent to the editor.  If an article is found to violate the ethical publishing guidelines of the journal such as duplicate publication, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, multiple submission or bogus claims of authorship, the article will be withdrawn by the publisher.


Article Corrections: If any error is discovered in a paper after publication, corrections (Erratum, Corrigendum, Addendum) will be published in the next issue or as soon as the publisher and author, both agree to the proposed changes. The corrections will be published only if a significant error is found in the paper like factually inaccurate published information. Minor corrections which do not significantly affect the content and understanding of the paper like spelling mistakes and grammatical errors will not be published. The correction will be added to the PDF version of the article.  Errata is published when mistakes are introduced or not recognized in the article during editing or production, like significant typographical errors, errors in figure or table numbers or their legends, proof corrections submitted but not included in the article during editing, wrong details in the address or email of the author.  Corrigenda is published when errors are detected by the authors after publication of the paper which compromises the validity of the scientific content, its accuracy and reproducibility. If the readers detect an error in any paper, they are requested to submit their comments to the editor.  The comments will also be sent to original authors for their comments. Addenda are published if the authors inadvertently omitted any significant information at the time of submitting the manuscript and want to add this content to the article after it has been published. All information submitted as addendum will be peer reviewed before editorial acceptance. Addenda will be published only in rare circumstances when it is decided by the editors that the information in the addendum is essential to understand a significant part of the published article.

 Article Retractions: Every manuscript submitted for publication to any journal undergoes stringent editorial review and peer review process.  Retractions are published in circumstances like, if the conclusion of a paper is found to be based on faulty logic or computation by new information made available after the paper has been published; if the paper is based on falsified or fabricated data, if plagiarized data has been published or if duplicate publications exist. The retractions are decided on a case by case basis by the editor in consultation with the authors and the reviewers of the article. A signed statement from the authors will be required to be submitted to the Editor before an article can be retracted. Agreement of all authors of a paper is required before a retraction can be published. If some co-authors do not agree to the retraction of the article, the retraction will be published as decided by the editor, clearly identifying the dissenting coauthors. When a retraction is published it will be linked to the article being corrected and a link to the retractions page will also be placed on the article published earlier.

 Article Removal: In exceptional circumstances an article may be removed from the journal before publication. This may happen if any legal issues arise or are expected to arise in context of the article, the distribution of the article is stopped by an court order, the contents of the article may pose a serious health risk if acted upon by others, the article violates copyright of others, or if the article is found to be defamatory or infringing on other's legal rights.  When an article is removed from the journal, PDF version, the article text will be replaced by a note stating that the article has been removed from the journal and the reason for removal.

 Article Replacement: If an article is found to contain false or inaccurate data (before the publication of the hard copy), the authors of the original article may wish to retract the article and replace it with a corrected version.

 However final decision will be made by the editor/editor-in-chief for the above procedures.

Publication Ethics and  Standards for Editors / Authors

Publication Ethics: The Journals, BRJ and AABJ, are committed to upholding the highest standards of journal publication and conference presentation ethics. The journals, its editors, and members of all editorial teams are committed to objective and double-blind peer reviews of submitted manuscripts for journal publication and conference presentation.

International Ethical Standards: The Journals follow the “International standards for editors and authors” developed by the  Committee of Publication Ethics (Cope) during  the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in Singapore in 2010. These ethical standards have been published as part of the conference proceedings under a Creative Commons licence*. Wager E & Kleinert S (2011), Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press/World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7).

International Standards for Editors (Cope): Editors are accountable and should take responsibility for everything  they publish. Editors should make fair and unbiased decisions independent from commercial consideration and ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process. Editors should adopt editorial policies that encourage maximum transparency and complete, honest reporting. Editors should guard the integrity of the published record by issuing corrections and retractions when needed and pursuing suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct. Editors should pursue reviewer and editorial misconduct. Editors should critically assess the ethical conduct of studies in humans and animals. Peer reviewers and authors should be told what is expected of them. Editors should have appropriate policies in place for handling editorial conflicts of interest.

 The text above was copied from:

 International Standards for Authors; The research being reported should have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and should comply with all relevant legislation. Researchers should present their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation. Researchers should strive to describe their methods clearly and unambiguously so that their findings can be confirmed by others. Researchers should adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original, is not plagiarised, and has not been published elsewhere. Authors should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work. The authorship of research publications should accurately reflect individuals’ contributions to the work and its reporting. Funding sources and relevant conflicts of interest should be disclosed.

 The text above was copied from:

Guidelines for Reviewers

We recommend the reviewers to rate the article being reviewed according the following criteria:

I. Presentation: Adequate organization of the article and the language used in it, as to make its content clear, easily readable and understandable. Clarity in what has been achieved by the author of the article. Even technical papers on a narrow topic should be written such that non-experts can comprehend the main contribution of the paper and the methods employed. The paper shouldn't just be a litany of deep but obscure theorems. The information of the paper should be available to the reader with a minimum of effort.

II. Appropriateness: Compatibility, agreeableness, , congruity, suitability, and adequacy of the paper to the areas and topics of the journal or the conference. Would the article perhaps better be presented at another conference?

III. Innovation: Innovation is related to new uses or new markets. A new product, process or service based on new or known technologies, methods or methodologies. Known technologies and techniques might be combined to generate new product or service with potential users in the market. What defines an innovation is a new kind of possible users of a product or a service, not necessarily new knowledge, new techniques, new technologies, new methods, or new applications.

IV. Originality: Not known or experienced before. A technique or a method not used before. Has this or similar work been previously reported? Are the problems and/or approaches in the paper completely new?

V. Quality: Scientific, technical, and/or methodological soundness of the article. Correctness of results, proofs and/or reflections. Inclusion in the articles of details that allow checking the correctness of the results or citations of articles where can be found the proof or parts of it.

VI. Novelty: According this criterion, it is not necessary for the paper to develop new techniques, or to generate new knowledge, but it should, at least, apply, or combine, them in a fresh and novel way or shed some new light on their applicability in a certain domain.

VII. Relevance: Importance, usefulness, and/or applicability of the ideas, methods and/or techniques described in the paper.

VIII. Significance: Importance and noteworthiness of the ideas, methods and techniques used and/or described in the article. The problem approached in the article should be interesting and natural, and not just be chosen by the authors because it can be attacked by their methods. What it is presented in the article is not just obvious and trivial ideas..*

Updating Privacy Policy

The Journals, BRJ and AABJ,  and conferences may update the privacy policy by posting a new version on this website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.  This website contains links to other websites.  The Journals and conferences are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party.

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Best AACSB Accredited Universities

Nova Southeastern University, Florida (read more...)

Mercer University, Georgia (read more...)








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